
What can we do to help?

By Braeden Windle, Pierce Burt, Jake Butchard, Bella MacDonald and Paige Bourke

What is the Problem| Main Page|How to Help

Try to refrain from putting dirt, paint, solvents, oil and other chemicals down the street drain or in the gutter. Dispose of leftover paints, solvents, oil, cleaners and other chemicals at a landfill, your nearest disposal outlet or you could tip small amounts on your lawn or compost dump. Wash cars on grass when you can. This will filter out some of the contaminants.

We need to stop this from happening

Another option is using a facility, making a simple filtration sock or barrier to channel car wash to lawn or garden and try as best you can to avoid getting the chemicals into the gutters or street drains. Avoid littering. Bin your rubbish in your council bags or rubbish bins. You can take large pieces of rubbish to the landfill. Also there is more than just rubbish there are road cones and shopping carts. They not only make our streams and harbour ugly, they interfere with the natural stream and harbour systems. So we should leave the cones and carts where we found them and keep our harbour clean of pollution.